What is BilWrite?
BilWrite is a free service provided by the Faculty Academic English (FAE) Program of Bilkent University School of English Language. It offers help and feedback on Bilkent students’ writing assignments and professional and postgraduate applications.
Who can BilWrite help?
The service is open to all current Bilkent undergraduate and graduate students.
We are sorry, but we cannot help:
- with work for ENG courses (e.g., 101, 102, 117/8, 206, 401, etc.) or PHIL 243/244. Instructors of these courses already offer one-on-one feedback tutorial sessions.
- former/non-Bilkent students.
BilWrite consultants can . . .
- provide feedback in order to help students become better writers.
- help with grammar, but do not correct or ‘fix’ papers.
- work only with writers and their texts (don’t bring a friend’s paper).
BilWrite consultants do not . . .
- write papers for students.
- proofread papers (i.e., correct all errors).
To find out how to use the service, please see Visit BilWrite.